Words to live by

Various sayings & moments we have come across 

17 October 2022

With several workshops in the diary we are hoping to bring a sense of stability to this strange time and as we head further into Autumn and Winter. 

Many people love what the cooler weather brings - thick jumpers, breathtakingly sparkling days and cosying up with a book. But for many others it is a difficult time. Energy bills are shooting up and stark choices have to be made; colds and other viruses make a come back and the longer, darker nights can lead to a general miserable feeling. It is no wonder that stressful feelings and anxious thoughts start to pervade our everyday lives but there are many small but effective ways to build up resilience. Some you will find in our Thoughts & Resources page and others on our short but free sessions (see the Home page). For more in depth knowledge of how stress and anxiety effect our minds and bodies join us in November for our longer workshops.

We look forward to welcoming you.


8 September 2023

After a busy year for both of us in our private practices our thoughts now turn to the new academic year and what that means for youngsters, teens and parents. There has been a lot in the news about school refusal, mostly addressing the short term issues such as falling behind peers in reading and writing, or not covering topics in the depth needed for exams. But the longer term damage can be quite severe too. Learning now how to control and face the anxieties which lead some young people to refuse to go to school will stand them in good stead for future points in their lives. Whatever their reason for not wanting to go, we as therapists can work with you, the parents and carers, to build their self-esteem, address the issues and come up with strategies for both coping and making the most of their school years. Children often come up with some amazing ideas for solving problems because they are not yet in their 'boxes' and sometimes it takes something wacky to pique their interest and support their courage. Stress for teenagers can be life-limiting but the exploration for coping can also be fun.


Well Mind Workshops

Improving lives, together


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